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Terms and Conditions


a. The coach provides personal services to companies and individuals. These services have been laid down in a proposal and approved by the client and the client. The basic principles here are that the coach acts from integrity and that the interests of the client are central.

b. The nature of the service is explanatory and focuses on personal awareness and change. The client may or may not apply this awareness and change of his choice in his personal situation and this change is recorded in a coach question and included in the proposal.

c. For both information exchange and personal services, it is assumed that the client is physically and mentally healthy, possibly with a temporary problem or physical complaint or with a need for guidance in his personal development, and has affinity with the philosophy of the coach. It is also assumed that customers have no physical or psychological obstacles to participate. When in doubt whether he / she meets these conditions, the client must take the initiative to consult with someone whom he deems competent, in order to determine whether the coach takes cognizance, application of the information and / or services. is responsible for him. It is also expected that the client reports any doubts to the coach in advance, and also immediately reports any doubts that arise during the contacts.

d. The coach reserves the right to refrain from entering into a relationship with a client. It is also possible that during the service it is considered better by the coach to refer the client, or for other reasons to end the relationship with a client. As a starting point, however, any problems are seen as an integral part of the process and are treated as such.

e. The coach helps clients to the best of their knowledge to gain more insight into competences and personal functioning. The coach commits himself to make an effort to do so within the framework of the agreements. Because it is a personal process of the client, a result can only be guaranteed if it has been defined and recorded in advance. The order is recorded in an order confirmation. The client is at all times responsible for providing correct and complete information about himself and his physical and mental condition, making choices that are responsible for him and carrying them out.

f. If clients are referred or alerted by the coach to other persons, companies, doctors, information sources, etc., this is done on the basis of the knowledge about those persons, companies, doctors, information sources at that time. All contacts that are made with the relevant persons, companies or doctors, any deliveries or purchases of services, or the consultation of the sources of information, and the consequences thereof, are beyond the responsibility of the coach. The coach assumes that the client screens these contacts based on common sense for suitability for themselves, qualifications, reliability, delivery conditions, etc.

g. The current prices for services are determined in consultation. Agreed prices for long-term business contacts are valid until the end of the calendar year after the contract has been signed, and can be revised thereafter. We will contact you about this in time. Financial measures imposed by the government are due at all times from the moment they take effect, without this being the reason for terminating the agreement.

h. Schedule an appointment within 24 hours. Agreements with the coach are binding if they have been mutually confirmed by the coach and the client. For all coach and advice appointments for sessions with private individuals and companies, appointments that are not canceled or canceled in time (24 hours before the appointment) will be charged. Appointments that are not canceled or canceled in time for the scheduled session will be charged 100% of the rate. Exceptions in emergency situations. In the event that the coach has to travel for his appointment, even if the appointment cannot be held due to force majeure if the coach is already on location, the client is expected to pay the travel costs in the form of the applicable kilometer allowance.

i. Stop trajectory. If sessions have been agreed for an indefinite period of time, the notice period is 1 session, the last session being the final evaluation and completion session.


a. The name, address and other personal data, as well as contact details of clients, whether or not in relation to a commercial client, are used by the coach for registering payment obligations, and for normal use to enable contact. Client data is not made available to third parties. Even if the client is the employer.

b. Any personal files are only available for inspection by the coach and the client concerned, regardless of who pays for the services. Access is also possible during a personal contact between the coach and the client. After the coaching, the files are kept for 1 year and then destroyed.

c. The experiences that the coach gains during contacts with clients can be incorporated in expressions and contacts with others, in such a way that it is not reasonably possible to determine which client has been treated by the coach with this problem. Clients can object to this in writing within one month after entering into an assignment and / or immediately after they become aware of such a publication.


Prices and payment conditions are announced in advance. An invoice amount must be paid within 14 days, unless agreed otherwise. Gifts without a specific service are of course welcome, but these cannot be subsequently designated as payment for any form of service.


a. Due to the nature of its services and the explicit contribution of the client to awareness and change, the coach does not guarantee success or prospects for improvement. The client decides whether and how quickly he / she makes a change. On the basis of past experience, insight into the natural processes and the personality of the client, an estimate can be made of an expected development.

b. If a client is not satisfied with a performance delivered by the coach, this must be reported to the coach within eight days after the session. Consultation can then take place on how it can be reasonably ensured that the client is satisfied.


a. Should the coach have been grossly negligent, any liability, insofar as this is recognized and covered by the insurance policies of the coach, applies to the amount of the amount paid by the company, otherwise to the amount by which the assignment for this client is involved. In the unlikely event that the coach causes damage to a client's buildings or property or has caused bodily injury, any liability will apply to the extent that this is recognized and covered by our insurance policies up to the amount of the benefit paid by the company, and otherwise up to the amount involved in this assignment for this client. The coach cannot be held liable for direct or indirect consequences of normal, incorrect or injudicious use of services and information provided by him. Nor can the coach be held liable for consequential damage. In all cases not mentioned above, any liability of the coach is limited to the amount involved in this assignment for this client.

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