Sometimes you need help. Help with issues you encounter in daily life. For example with work-related problems or with other drastic matters. As a life coach I help you achieve your goals. Maybe you want to deal better with stress and you constantly run into the same problems. I consider it a privilege to be able to guide and coach you.
Choose the shape that suits you best:
Face to face coaching
A conversation where we are both physically present. It can be done at your location or at my location.
Online coaching
Video coaching: a conversation via Skype, Zoom, WhatsApp
Telephone coaching: a conversation over the phone
E-mail coaching: communication via e-mail.
Meet without obligation
Would you like to receive more information about coaching or schedule a no-obligation introductory meeting?
Send me a message here. I will contact you as soon as possible.
About me
The motivator
I am inspired by people in my environment. Partly because of the results that some teachers and coaches brought to my surface, I have recognized the value of an inspiring approach. The various disciplines I am interested in have enabled me to develop my own vision on generally applicable principles in life.

Types of coaching

Life coaching
Sometimes people need help with issues they encounter in everyday life. For example with work-related problems or with other drastic matters. People regularly have a restless feeling that they are difficult to place. After all, they are doing well! A nice job, nice house, healthy children, etc. But there is still something wrong. It is often difficult to explain where this unrest comes from.

Motivation and team spirit
Using a team session to motivate team members who are dissatisfied with their job is an approach that is usually unsustainable. Team sessions often provide a boost in the work motivation of the participants. Thinking together about the development directions of the team, exchanging ideas about the profession and finding harmony in the cooperation; they are beautiful experiences that give energy, but in practice it turns out that it is often short-lived. Team members who are not satisfied with their daily work may come out of the session with energy, but over time this energy disappears because they return to that daily work that they experience as unsatisfying.

Coaching involves an internal learning process that the client determines himself. A client who is asked by an employer to be coached on a particular issue ultimately determines whether and on what he or she wants to be coached. Good coaching stands or falls with the motivation of the client.